Returning to Adventure

So, my husband recently bought some maps for our family. He loves maps. He decided that we needed a U.S. map, a world map, and a globe. And that we needed to put pins on allll the places we’ve been, both individually and as a family.

I have to admit, I wasn’t thrilled about this project. I don’t mind maps. But I don’t love the idea of having (pretty big) maps as the primary decor in our family room.

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Returning to Tenderness

But, it’s not all rainbows and butterflies over here. I’m becoming aware of how painful and raw the work of healing is…and will be. At my Monday session of Healing the Whole Person, for instance, I found myself weeping—in front of strangers, no less—about something painful I had not planned to revisit.

Turns out, I’m not in control of this journey.

Here are some steps I’m taking this year to turn things around…

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New Year...Old Me.

I’ve been doing a lot of thinking, reflecting, and praying over the past few weeks…new years are good for that type of thing… And in my reflection, some harsh truths have bubbled up. I’ve realized that, despite accomplishing some really cool things and growing in positive ways this year, I’ve really been struggling to maintain a positive outlook on life.

Here are some steps I’m taking this year to turn things around…

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