
I’m sitting here on a beautiful fall day. The sun is shining, I’m nestled in a cozy blanket, my toddler is napping, it’s a peaceful moment. At least, it should be.

And yet I’m sitting here wishing for things to be just a little bit different (I wish some things were a lot different). I *just* want a life that is picturesque: a brightly-lit studio space, a consistent morning and evening routine, a home for my little family to call our own (our stuff is currently in storage across the country, but that’s a whole different story), a Zoom-worthy wardrobe that’s comfy and yet somehow put-together…my list could go on. Could yours?

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Iris Series

In March, I announced to my studio newsletter friends that I’d begun working on my first collection. In the email I said,

“I'm not sure exactly how it will unfold. Visually, there will be many, many flowers. But behind those flowers are things you won't be able to see: exploration, bravery, play, and trust. My prayer is that the personal growth I inevitably will experience in the process of creating these pieces will spill over to you. To encourage and bless you, and to add beauty to your home and to your life.”

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Craft with me: Bookmarks

A new month means a new craft project (or several) for me. This craft came a little bit by accident. I was just enjoying a little “momma alone time,” as Mark says, listening to a podcast and painting just for fun. I didn’t have an outcome in mind, and that made it especially relaxing. The result was loose florals on a few scraps of watercolor paper. After admiring them for a bit, I decided they’d make sweet little bookmarks.

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A New Light

If you've been following my work for a while, you might have noticed that I haven't made many new products since, eh...2016 or so. About that time I moved to NYC, started an awesome job, got engaged, and got married. And needless to say, my little business took a back seat to life. And that's okay! it was a wonderful time, and honestly I don't have any regret about re-prioritizing things, and still don't. My family comes first and I get to express my creativity in many new ways that I love. (Also, thank you for sticking with me through all that!)

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Craft with me: Rosary Holder

A couple years ago I made a rosary holder as a gift for my mom. And she’s been asking for another to give to her friend for a while now. So, I’m finally getting around to it, and thought I’d share the process with you!

Let’s get to it. Here’s how I made them!

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The Calling of Charism

A few months ago at a women’s group, the subject of charism was brought up. I’d heard the term before, but only in the context of religious orders—priests and nuns. I had never thought about what it might mean to discern my own personal charism. A charism is a spiritual gift—a special ability or empowerment—given to every Christian by the Holy Spirit to enable us to be a powerful channel of God’s love and redeeming presence in the World (CCC, 2003). There are all sorts of charisms. Everything from administration to leadership to healing. The list is long!

We can use three signs to identify what ours might be.

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Happy NEW Year!

It’s a week into the new year (and new decade!), and I’m easing my way back into work and gearing up for another year of transition. I made a goal to be more intentional about my business and art this year, and that means some exciting changes.

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