Meet Jack!

He’s here! Our little rainbow babe arrived safe and sound on April 29, 2021. After one whole week together, both Jack and I are doing pretty well. We’re navigating breast feeding and getting in lots of snuggles—he doesn’t like being put down very much. And Big Brother is starting to get used to the idea that Jack lives with us.

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Tara WrightComment
We're Willing, He is Able

What matters is what ‘showing up’ signifies. Regardless of any ‘success’ or not, the act of showing up—of putting brush to paper—each day is worthy, because it signals to God that we’re willing:

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Tara WrightComment
Repost: King of My Heart

At 12 weeks, our son Jude showed physical abnormalities consistent with a condition called Trisomy 18. A condition deemed "incompatible with life" by doctors. A condition that meant I likely wouldn't meet my son alive, and if I did, it would perhaps be just for days, maybe only hours. So, much of my Advent was spent in an intense limbo between accepting suffering and fighting for hope.

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Tara WrightComment
All Things New

Rejoice with me, friends! I’m so so grateful to share that we’ve added another member to our family. Baby Wright will, God-willing, join us “on the outside” in May 2021. I am overjoyed and so curious to know what God has planned for us next. He truly does make all things new.

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Tara WrightComment