LLAA No. 2: Pursuing Beauty

I’ve got options, it seems. Honestly, I think my creative energy just wouldn’t take “no” for an answer.

The urge to create is persistent, relentless…some might say restless. Even when resources are scarce, or when circumstances are less than ideal, it seems to always find a way.

Why is that?

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Live Like an Artist - A Series

But how can we intentionally and practically craft our lives into works of art? There’s so much we could dive into (and I would like to explore more themes in the future!). As a place to start, I want to offer a few traits that I think most artists have in common...traits that when we (artist or otherwise) apply them to our own lives, we can begin to see as an artist sees.

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October 2021 Studio Time - Part 1

October is almost over…I can’t believe it. While this installment of Studio Time is coming at you a little bit late, it’s a special one! This month’s prompt is Floral Family Portrait. This month’s prompt was inspired by the fact that October is Infant and Pregnancy Loss Awareness month. My husband and I have lost three babies over the past few years, and I thought this would be a special way to remember and honor their lives.

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Introducing: Studio Time

So, I’ve been trying to come up with a way to offer you some creative nurturing in a way that’s fun and sustainable for me.

And I have an idea: Studio Time.

Each month, I’ll send an email with a video that’s part studio vlog, part art demonstration, and part art club. The series will give us an opportunity to check in with ourselves and each other to ask, “What am I doing to nurture my creative practice?”

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Tara WrightComment
Be Where You Are ~ Collection is Live!

I’m so thrilled to announce that the Be Where You Are collection is now available. This collection is all about being present. As I painted, I welcomed an attitude of exploration and discovery. Instead of sketching or planning, I just put paint to paper, embracing the imperfections and figuring things out along the way.

All the while, a simple phrase danced through my mind: Be where you are.

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Tara WrightComment
Keeping Your Goals Top of Mind

We’re half-way through July, and I just found a document titled, “2021 ideas and goals.” I clearly hadn’t looked at it since I typed it up earlier this year, and ohmygoodness, in some areas, I’ve really strayed from the path I intended to take. I didn’t even remember some of my goals. Which is I guess what happens when you just put something away and then never look at it again…right.? Right.

I think today—seven months later—is the day I’ll try to get back on track.

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