Meet the Author - The Richest Leprechaun in Ireland

If you’ve been following along with my Instagram stories, you’ve probably noticed that I’ve been spending most evenings painting scenes of Finnius, a little red-headed leprechaun, and Saint Patrick!

Read on to learn more about the story, the author, Elise Daniel, and how you can get your hands on a copy of The Richest Leprechaun in Ireland.

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Tara WrightComment
How Self-Reflection Can Help Us Keep Our Commitments

Well it makes me think of another thing my gut “told” me on this trip: My mom asked me before I returned home, “Are you refreshed and ready to be mom again?!”

My gut said, “No. I don’t feel refreshed.”

It was a good trip and I do love love love being in the office with colleagues. I do feel thankful—I was able to have some important conversations—and I did have some good “mama alone time” (hello, uninterrupted sleep!). But I don’t feel refreshed.

More than anything, I feel…aware.

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Tara WrightComment
Embracing Your Word of the Year

Turns out a rotting pumpkin can look normal for a pretty long time. (Hence, why I hadn’t been too bothered to remove them until recently). But a rotting pumpkin does not feel normal. When you touch a not-so-fresh pumpkin, it’s squishy and soft—somehow at risk of both exploding and imploding at the same time.

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Tara Wright Comment
Creating Routines that Lead to Results

Vital behaviors are the simple actions that, if I do them every day, will lead to positive results. It’s a simple concept, and I’m sure I’ve heard it said a million other ways before. But for some reason, hearing it in this way, at this time, and from these inspiring women has really helped me chip away at some limiting beliefs that have held me back in many areas of my life.

So, I’ve been applying this concept to other areas of my life, too. Grab a journal (or a spread sheet!) and work through these questions with me. I’d love to know if you find them helpful and clarifying.

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Tara WrightComment
LLAA No. 3: How to Finish Strong

But finishing things is hard! Distraction and discouragement can quickly derail us from our ultimate aim. But there are things we can do to set ourselves up for a successful, strong finish. I’m definitely keeping these in mind as I return to this playful project!

Here are a few tips for finishing strong:

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Tara WrightComment